If your business relies on the internet for people to be able to find you, then you may see changes in how many visitors search for and visit your webpage in the next couple of months. April 2015 has seen the technology press label Google Mobile's update as 'Mobilegeddon'.
Google are changing their mobile app to make websites, specially-adapted for mobile phones, to appear at the top of their searches. This new algorithm that Google are introducing to achieve their aims, will leave those businesses, without mobile-friendly websites, potentially left at the bottom of the pile as they seek to promote their services.
Is Your Business Ready For Mobilegeddon?
Google have previously stated that websites owners should check to see if their site is mobile-friendly, so they are able to adapt to the new algorithm. Beyond the dramatic name, this isn't really 'do or die' for websites however – if you are able to abide by these few simple tips then the affect on your website's online presence will be minimal:
- The algorithm in the new Google Mobile update only affects users who search on mobile phones – so searches done on tablets and desktop computers won't be affected.
- Google only demotes websites that aren't searched for by name. If a user searches for your business by name, then your website will still show up near the top of the searches, even if you aren't a mobile-friendly website.
- The app is updated in real time – meaning that if you have missed the cut-off-date of April 21st 2015 to make your website mobile-friendly - once it's made so, it will show up in the app as Google constantly updates itself, looking for new websites every second of every day.
- Google has said that it may take a few months for their searches to be impacted by the change, so this will give businesses time to become mobile-friendly without any impact to their online presence.
Advansys – Experts In Responsive Mobile Web Design!
Even if you feel that the new Google Mobile update's impact on your site will be minimal, it's for the best that you take every opportunity you can to promote your business – and being mobile-friendly is a must as time goes on and new apps and technologies are being created. Being mobile-friendly will also help a potential client's experience of using your website that much better - and could even be the deciding factor in them choosing your services.
Here at Advansys, we are specialists in Responsive Web Design and Ecommerce Solutions. With many years of experience, our flexible Ecommerce website framework allows clients to pick and choose modules that best fit their business. We can offer advice and assistance to help you to improve your online presence and promotional abilities.
Please use our website to see the many amazing testimonials from the many businesses that we have helped to improve their web output. For further information how we can help to assist your business, don't hesitate to contact Advansys today on 0845 838 2700 or e-mail us at sales@advansys.com
We’re always happy to help and can help you take your business in the right direction.
You are always welcome to visit us in our Wokingham office or you can also call us on 0118 380 0201 and drop us a message via our the website.
We'd love to show you how you can get more web traffic and leads, increase your online sales, provide better customer service & grow online.
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